
About me and this place

My Whole Database

Heads of Tuley Families

My Non-Tuley Lines

Tuley Books

Tuley Heroes

Tuley Legends

Tuley Geography

Tuley Coats of Arms


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News and Trivia

How to best use this site:
  1. If you are just browsing,
    • Click on the "Heads of Tuley Families" and check out the people in the various lines. Featured head of a line.
  2. If you are looking for someone in particular,
    1. click on "My Whole database" on the Menu Bar on the left.
    2. Then click on "Persons" and the first letter of the last name of the person you are looking for, or "Families" or "Sources" or "Statistics"
    3. Then scroll down or use the search function of your web browser "Alt-F" on Windows or Apple-F" for Mac users to search for a specific name.

    4. The "T" names have over 1,000 people so it may load slowly. You can scroll (names are sorted by last name), if just browsing, but a search will probably be faster.
      Note: A search for "George" will be more successful than a search for "George W. Tuley" or "George Washington Tuley". A search for "George Washington Tuley" will find four people, but they may not include the George you are looking for.
      Another note: names on the "Persons" page are sorted in the following order:
      • Last name (those with no known surname are listed first), then
      • First name (those whose first name is blank are listed first), then
      • Middle name, and then
      • By birth date (those with no known birth date are listed first).
Database Update News:
  • The database was update on 25 Dec 2017 and several times in January and February. The latest is always posted on the Home page.

  • There are now over 8300 people in the database, either TULEYs or related to TULEYs. Most of the recent increases have come from more Census data being indexed for computer searches making it easier to look for and prove connections, without any having to leave home to do the research.

  • 19 Dec 2017 - I have also been working on some of my non-Tuley lines and found some connections that show that every one descended from my Great Grandpa Tuley is also descended (through Great Grandma Ollie Ellen Cooper) from Charlemagne and a few Knights, Counts, Dukes, Lords & Ladies, and Kings. The easilest way to find them is to click on the "Persons" in the top banner of the database then click on "Other" to the right of the alpabet choices for last names for those people not know by last names, such as Emperor Charlemagne. Some French royalty can be found unde the letter "D" for names starting with "D'" or "De" and German royalty under "V" for "VON". Also under "O" are those where I found English language sources that used "OF" (some of which probably should be "D'", "DE", or "VON".

  • One of my next projects will be to create a mailing for anouncements about updates to the web site for those interested in getting an E-Mail. Details will be posted here when it is ready for those interested in signing up.

Contact Information
Glenn Tuley

Updated 06 Jul 2019